Jesse and Melinda Replogle
641-895-2510 or 641-777-3384
Moulton, Iowa
All puppies purchased must be taken to the buyer’s veterinarian within the first 72 hours after receiving the puppy. Proof must be provided with 14 days by mail or email. NO phone photo copies will be accepted. If this is not done, the health guarantee is void/null and buyer assumes full responsibility. This puppy is sold as pet quality only; no guarantee is made as to size, color and disposition, conformation, working ability or breeding ability. This guarantee is not covered by accidental injury.
This guarantee is a one-year genetic health guarantee. A two-year genetic health guarantee is available when you purchase NuVet Plus canine supplements for the first two years of your puppy's life.
It should be noted that diarrhea is common among puppies that have been moved to a new home environment. It is the buyer’s responsibility to see that the puppy gets their required worming, vaccinations, and health checks after purchase and possession of the puppy.
Vaccination Policy
All puppies leaving here are vaccinated until the age of 11 weeks. NO vaccines shall be administered of any kind before 11 weeks of age or guarantee is void/null. We must have the wellness exam form in order for you to receive the health guarantee. Also, no Corona, Lepto or Lyme vaccinations should be given until 15 weeks and never to be given in a combo shot or all at once or it could void the guarantee. Over-vaccination is a big problem
Initial that you understand and accept this vaccination policy.
Re-home of the dog/puppy
The purchaser agrees that if at any stage in the dog/puppy’s life, the buyer needs to re-home the dog/puppy the Breeder will be the first to be notified. If the breeder requests the dog to be returned then the Buyer must do so or the Breeder has the full right to come get the puppy/dog. We do not want our dogs/puppies ending up in shelters. You are always welcome to bring puppy/dog back to us anytime. Money will not be reimbursed if this is done.
Spay/Neuter Policy.
If purchasing this puppy as PET ONLY a spay/neuter contract is required. You must show proof of surgery to receive your puppy’s AKC paperwork. We require no puppy be spayed/neutered until at least 12 months of age, but our recommendation is to wait until your puppy is 18 months old. Research has been done that shows that puppies who were neutered or spayed before 18 months had a higher chance of developing joint issues.
COVERED by our Health Guarantee:
Heart Murmurs:
Heart Murmur should be diagnosed during the initial veterinarian exam. Heart murmurs can occur for many reasons and usually do not affect the pet’s quality of life. Any other heart murmur that is diagnosed after the initial vet exam must be affecting the day to day life of the puppy to require daily medication to qualify for replacement puppy or half money back.
Kidney, Liver, Heart:
If within the first year of the puppy’s life, it is found to have a life-threatening heart, liver, or kidney congenital defect send a detailed letter of explanation from our licensed veterinarian as to the nature of the defect. The Breeder must be notified at the onset of problem. The Breeder’s veterinarian will interpret the report and if she/he concurs, then the replacement puppy will be given. No refund, in part or in full will be given. The owner will then qualify when one becomes available which could be up to 2 years.
*(Hip Dysplasia is guaranteed for the first year of dog/puppy life x-rays need to be done and looked over by my vet as well.
NOT COVERED in our Health Guarantee:
Testicles on male puppies are not guaranteed. Customer will be notified prior to delivery if 1 or both testicles are not present. Puppy is sold as a pet.
Vaccination Deaths:
The breeder is not responsible for any deaths or life-long defects caused by vaccinations given by your vet including but not limited to: Lyme’s, Corona, Lepto, Dhppvlc, Dhppv, Bordetella, rabies, ECT.
Anesthetic Deaths:
Any time an animal undergoes anesthesia the owner and the Veterinarian assumes liability. Many times anesthetic deaths go without specific diagnosis due to may variable that are involved. Therefore, it can’t be covered.
Behavioral Problems:
Behavioral issues are extremely complex in nature with many factors influencing the overall behavior of the pet. The main influence of the behavior is the home environment and the owners. The breeder is not liable for behavior problems.
Worms & Parasites:
Every effort will be made to ensure that none are present in the new puppy. However, due to life stages of these hosts I cannot guarantee there will never be any present in your new puppy. This host can include worms, coccidian and Guardia. These can be brought on due to a move, stress, change in diet, too much handling and not enough rest, or not eating properly. These conditions are treatable, therefore, not covered in our guarantee.
Ear Mites & Ear Infections:
Every effort will be made to ensure that none are present in the new puppy. Due to the life-stages of this host we can’t always prevent all of them from coming back. Therefore, these are not covered in our health guarantee.
Colds & influenza:
The puppy will have a Vet examination before transporting. I can’t guarantee against what the puppy may contract in ground transporting. Therefore, it is not covered.
Minor Defects:
Minor defects that are little of consequence for the puppy’s health are not covered such as but not limited to: under bite, over bite, umbilical or inguinal hernias, or Entropion in the eye.
Cancer is not covered in our guarantee as we cannot prevent it, but I can give you some tools that might help if you use them correctly.
Dog Crates:
If you pick up your puppy we highly recommend that you have a dog crate for your puppy for the ride home. If you do not wish to have your puppy ride in a dog crate and something happens to your puppy on the way home we are not responsible.
Replacement puppy Protocol:
In order for us, the breeder, to replace a puppy due to genetic health issues the puppy must have received adequate worming, and vaccinations necessary for its protection up to the Breeder’s Veterinarians recommendation. Guarantee is void if a Veterinarian exam is not done in the given time. If the puppy is found to have a health problem at its initial vet exam and the buyer opts to treat the puppy instead the breeder is not responsible for any expenses incurred or for the death of the puppy. This guarantee does not include any illness due to ingestion of foreign objects, food, chemicals, or physical injury. This guarantee is void in the event of an indeterminable or inconclusive diagnosis and if the puppy has not been kept current on worming, vaccinations, and vet visits. Proof off ALL Veterinarian records must be provided when claim is made. Upon death a full Necropsy must be performed before action is taken for replacement puppy. If the puppy has a defect that is covered, the puppy and all records must be sent back in order to receive a replacement puppy and all steps must be followed. All needed surgery will only be performed following consultation with my veterinarian who will determine whether he or an associate would normally perform the needed procedure or if the procedure is even needed. Should a surgery be required and agreed to by the consulting veterinarians I will pay up to 50% only of the total purchase price of the puppy or 50% of the surgical cost, whichever is the lesser amount. This is a ONE-TIME occurrence. Once this is done the guarantee is void after the surgery.
Animal Abuse:
At any time any Puppy/Dog that comes from me has been reported in any case of animal Abuse or I suspect abuse or neglect I have the right to come take the dog or puppy back. This agreement is legal and binding entered in the State of Iowa, County of Appanoose. Permanent ownership of this dog is contingent upon your full compliance with this Addendum.
By signing this below you agree that you have read and fully understand our purchase contact and health guarantee policies and all information regarding your puppy, and their health has been disclosed with you!